Did you know that Arkote was a part of the world first 25 Stall Starting gate that features on Melbourne Cup day? Before the monster starting gate was created, Flemington Racecourse had to use two separate starting gates to cater for the vast number of horses in particular races, mainly the race that stops the nation – Melbourne Cup Day, causing a two metre gap in-between and an unfair disadvantage for horses in two of the gates. But now that isn’t a worry, as the 24.5 meter long starting gate was first used on the 150th race anniversary back in 2011! And we might add, still looking as beautiful as ever in a slick white powder coat – even if we do say so ourselves.
A more recent display of Arkote’s quality work can be seen on the new replica of the famous Flemington Clock Tower! The original clock tower sat just off the outside rail at around the 150 meter mark, and was installed at Flemington in the late1930s, wanting to keep strong tradition.The new clock tower sits in the exact same position, as the structure is considered to be a landmark in Australian racing folklore. In a modern Black powder, it is sure to be admired on next week’s big day.

Just a few more iconic structures that Arkote has stamped with our hallmarks of quality, and a few more structures to add to your list so that you can say “hey! I know who coated that, Arkote!” – it’s clear to see that Arkote’s reputation doesn’t stop at the boarders of South Australia, so if you want the best quality Surface Applications in Australia, make sure to call on the experts in the field, Arkote!